Friday, 21 February 2014

Google May Be Planning A New 3D Smartphone

Google has just announced a new research project Thursday aimed at bringing 3D technology to smartphones, for potential applications such as indoor mapping, gaming and helping blind people navigate.
The California tech giant said its "Project Tango" would provide prototypes of its new smartphone to outside developers to encourage the writing of new applications.

So what is new with this 3D Smartphone? Well this new Smartphone could assist the blind by giving then verbal directions of any room or building anywhere in the world.

"What if directions to a new location didn't stop at the street address? What if you never again found yourself lost in a new building? What if the visually impaired could navigate unassisted in unfamiliar indoor places? What if you could search for a product and see where the exact shelf is located in a super-store?"
The technology could also be used for "playing hide-and-seek in your house with your favorite game character, or transforming the hallways into a tree-lined path."
Smartphones are equipped with sensors which make over 1.4 million measurements per second, updating the positon and rotation of the phone.

We hope to see this new 3D Smartphone very soon.

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