After Apple surprised us all with its new 64-bit processor alongside its A7 chip, many companies decided to follow suit and make this kind of smartphone. Intel started working on new dual-core Atom processor chip that goes by the codename “Merrifield”. Several months were spent for its careful preparation. According to the official statement, this chip will be included in handsets released during the Q2. However, not many smartphone manufacturers will use these Intel processor chips and the real question is whether these manufacturers are ready to sell Intel-based smartphones or not. Ready or not, these manufacturers are obligated to produce 64-bit smartphones because Intel has recently signed product deals with Foxconn, Lenovo and Asus.
Qualcomm is close to compete with Apple after the company has launched Snapdragon 8-core 615 and Snapdragon quad-core 610 processor chips. These processors will be featured in devices released during the fourth quarter in 2014. According to the official statement, these new Snapdragon chips have the same power as Apple’s 64-bit processor chips. Their CPUs are based on ARMv8 64-bit architecture. The newest Qualcomm Snapdragon 615 octa-core chip could come out as an overkill for some handsets.
MediaTek, the lower-power handset chipset manufacturer, has announced its version of the 64-bit chip. This chip will be ready to take place in high-end smartphones with an affordable price. MediaTek’s processor chip will be ready to support some of the most-required features such as high-end camera, LTE and great video capabilities. This processor chip will be available in Q3. So far, this company hasn’t revealed the smartphone companies that will use this chip.
The biggest disappointment at this year’s Mobile World Congress was Samsung. It released its high-end Galaxy S5 smartphone that looks like something that we’ve already seen. This new smartphone needed to be the answer to Apple’s iPhone 5S, but it will come out with Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 octa-core chip – Exynos 5 Octa. This processor has Cortex-A15 chip. According to some smartphone analysts, the Galaxy S5 won’t be that close to iPhone 5S even though everybody thought it will be.
Nvidia’s first ARM based 64-bit processor called Tegra K1 will be ready to be placed in smartphones in Q3 this year.
The last thing smartphone manufacturers want to do is lag while Apple’s pushing forward. They must follow the fast pace of the industry and update their processor as soon as they can. If not, Apple will continue to push forward and distance itself from the competition.
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